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Need tax help? The Alamosa Public Library can help you in three ways:
1-on-1 Tax Help:
- For people who are:
- 65 and older,
- A widow or widower 58 and older,
- OR
- Totally disabled
- A volunteer will help you in person.
- The volunteer will help you with:
- Filling out the paper version of the Colorado 2022 104PTC Heat/Property Tax/Rent Rebate form.
- Answering basic questions on your 2022 federal taxes.
- Answering basic questions on your 2022 Colorado state taxes.
- Our tax person will not electronically file the 104PTC and will not fill out or electronically file either the state or federal taxes for you.
- For those who make under $66,000 per year.
- Send your tax documents and identification to VITA in Denver, who will prepare a return for you.
- Preparation can take several weeks, at the end of which you will need to e-sign the document.
- The Library can provide a laptop and reserved room, plus a staff person to help with technology questions. Staff cannot assist with tax questions.
File Yourself:
- For those who make under $73,000 per year.
- Fill in the information yourself and file electronically for free.
- Email or call Colorado VITA for answers to your tax questions within 24 hours.
- The Library can provide a laptop and reserved room, plus a staff person to help with technology questions. Staff cannot assist with tax questions.
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