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Library Strategic Plan- 2024-2027 – Text

The Alamosa Public Library Strategic Plan is the result of over a year of information gathering and synthesis. This involved:
  • Conducting 17 interviews with community partners and leaders.
  • Collecting over 350 surveys.
  • Consulting other existing community data sets, strategic plans and reports.
Library staff, volunteers and the Board analyzed this information for recurring and urgent themes. These led to the following goals and organizational competencies, approved by the Library Board on January 23, 2024. These goals and organizational competencies will shape our efforts in the coming years, and will be a large part part of how we measure “success”. Alamosa Public Library Mission Statement: To inform, educate, and culturally enrich the population of Alamosa and the San Luis Valley. Our Values:
  • We value intellectual freedom and the diverse perspectives of our community.
  • We value collaboration, and share resources and information with other organizations and libraries.
  • We value service, and strive to welcome and help everyone who comes through our doors.
  • We encourage lifelong learning, knowledge through self-education, and the joy of reading!
Strategic Plan Goals 2024-2027
  1. Strongly and proactively engage the community through outreach activities.
  2. Effectively share information about Library services and resources.
  3. Explore partnerships and develop programs and services to address pressing community issues.
Strategic Plan Organizational Competencies 2024-2027
  1. Lean in to our excellent customer service and become exemplary in this regard.
  2. Explore process efficiencies to make the most of our time and resources.
  3. Work toward an inclusive and representative collection.
You may notice that the Alamosa Public Library’s goals are “outward facing” – focused on activities and partnerships outside the Library. Organizational competencies are designed to support internal Library operations, to make sure we are still performing our basic, core functions effectively. Goal Success Plan – 2024
  1. Strongly and proactively engage the community through outreach activities.
    • Hire and train new Outreach Technician.
    • Evaluate existing partnerships and seek new opportunities.
  2. Effectively share information about Library services and resources.
    • Pilot new communication methods.
    • Compose a marketing plan.
    • Leverage community partnerships.
    • Connect to Spanish speakers.
  3. Explore partnerships and develop programs and services to address pressing community issues.
    • Help support people experiencing homelessness.
    • Support workforce development and adult education.
Organizational Competency Success Plan – 2024
  1. Lean in to our excellent customer service and become exemplary in this regard.
    • Develop methods to evaluate customer service performance.
    • Improve and expand existing technology help services.
  2. Explore process efficiencies to make the most of our time and resources.
    • Research new methods of item processing, purchasing, Interlibrary Loan and collection management.
  3. Work toward an inclusive and representative collection.
    • Complete diversity analyses in DVD and Large Print.
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