Mission Statement
To inform, educate, and culturally enrich the population of Alamosa County and the San Luis Valley.
Alamosa Public Library Values
We value intellectual freedom and the diverse perspectives of our community.
We value collaboration, and share resources and information with other organizations and libraries.
We value service, and strive to welcome and help everyone who comes through our doors.
We encourage lifelong learning, knowledge through self-education, and the joy of reading!
Approved by the Alamosa Public Library Board, 1/23/24
Declaración de Misión
Informamos, educamos y enriquecemos a la gente de Alamosa y el Valle de San Luis.
Nuestros Valores:
- Valoramos la libertad intelectual, y las diversas perspectivas de la gente en nuestra comunidad.
- Valoramos la colaboración, y compartimos nuestros recursos e información.
- Valoramos los servicios, y damos la bienvenida a todos.
- Apoyamos el aprendizaje, la educación, y la alegría de leer.
City of
Codified through Ordinance No. 15-2008, enacted Dec. 3, 2008.
(Supplement No. 20)
Section 1. Library Board.
The Public Library Board shall consist of nine (9) members of whom seven (7) shall be appointed by the Council. Their term of office shall be five (5) years, so appointed that one member’s term shall expire each year. The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee from time to time, who must be a City Councilor, and the City Manager shall be ex officio members of the Library Board. The Council may delegate otherwise up to four (4) such appointment powers to a governmental entity pursuant to a lawful intergovernmental agreement between the City and such entity in which said entity agrees to provide financial support for the operation of the Public Library.
(Ord. No. 8, 1987, § 1(9), 9-16-87, approved, election of 11-3-87; Ord. No. 7, 1991, § 1(4), 9-18-91, approved, election of 11-5-91; amendment approved, election of 11-7-95)
Section 2. Support.
The City Council may levy up to one and one-half mills per year for the support of the Public Library. Director of Finance shall be the custodian of these funds along with other funds of the City and shall disburse library funds only after the approval by the Library Board.
Section 3. Annual Report.
The Library Board shall make an annual report of its activities to the City Council at the end of each fiscal year.
Section 4. Functions.
The Public Library Board shall serve as an advisory board to advise City Council and the City Manager on all issues pertaining to the public library. The Public Library Board also shall have such powers as are necessary for the effective operation of the public library as are not otherwise delegated, from time to time, to the City Manager by Charter or ordinance.
(Amendment approved, election of 11-6-01)
Colorado Library Law
Privacy of User Record
CRS 24-90-119
- Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, a publicly supported library shall not disclose any record or other information that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the library.
- Records may be disclosed in the following instances:
- When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
- Upon written consent of the user;
- Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law;
- To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or its authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.
- Any library official, employee, or volunteer who discloses information in violation of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars.
Rough, non-legal summary of statute:
Privacy of user records.
- A public library may not disclose patron records or information about library use unless:
- needed for library operations;
- the user consents;
- required through subpoena or court order;
- a custodial parent/guardian has access to a minor’s library card or authorization number.
- Disclosure by a library official, employee or volunteer commits a class 2 petty offense, with up to $300 fine if convicted.
Consult with your respective city, county, or district lawyers for legal advice on, and implications of, Colorado Library Law, or call the Colorado State Library for additional information.
Colorado State Library – 6/28/2010
3D Printing
Interested in 3D printing?
Visit our 3D Printing Page.
Or call 719-587-2543 or email [email protected] for more information.
3D Printing Policy
As part of our mission to inform, educate, and culturally enrich the population of the City of Alamosa and the San Luis Valley, the Alamosa Public Library provides access to technology that offers 3-D Printing to the public. A nominal fee will be charged. These are staff-mediated services and are available on a first-come, first-served basis and will only be permitted during Library hours by appointment only. An appointment may be obtained by phone, in-person, by email or via an online form.
I. Procedures
A. Use of the 3D printer is at the discretion of the designated library staff. Only designated Library staff will have hands-on access to the 3D printer.
B. Individuals may submit only one file at a time for printing; however, if time and staffing permit, Library staff, in their sole discretion, may permit an individual to submit more than one file for printing. Files containing more than one object are permitted. Patrons are solely responsible for the creation and editing of design files.
C. The patron must make an appointment, fill out the 3D Printing Request Form (attached), and obtain the designated flash drive for file transfer. Personal flash drives will not be accepted by staff for 3D printing.
D. The Alamosa Public Library will attempt to complete patron print jobs within 7 business days.
E. Prints will only be made using resin provided by the Alamosa Public Library.
F. The Alamosa Public Library is not responsible for any damage, loss, or security of data arising from the use of its computers or network, nor the functionality or quality of content produced on the 3-D printer.
- The Library does not refund printing fees for completed items which do not come out as intended due to options selected by the individual requesting the 3D print, including but not limited to scale, quality, design, required support material, etc.
II. Fees
A. The cost to print is $0.10 per ml of material (rounded up to the nearest whole ml) used for printing as well as $0.10 per 100 layers (rounded up to the nearest 100), as estimated by the slicing software. In addition to these variable costs, there is a $2.00 processing fee.
B. Payment is due prior to printing.
C. Refunds are not permitted for items that are not picked up within the allotted time frame.
III. Content of Prints
A. The Alamosa Public Library reserves the right to refuse production of any content at any time at the discretion of the Library Manager, using the criteria listed below.
B. The 3D printer may be used for lawful purposes only. The public will not be permitted to use the Library’s 3D printer to create objects that are prohibited by state or federal law. Examples of specific content that will not be produced includes, but is not limited to:
- Content or objects that are harmful to minors.
- Content or objects that have been determined to be obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment by the Library Manager.
- Content or objects that may be construed as having intent to harm, be unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or pose an immediate threat to the well-being of others; for example, guns, knives, or other possible lethal weapons.
- Content or objects that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of a third party. For example, the printer will not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
C. Supervision of the use of the 3D printer by Library staff does not constitute knowledge or acknowledgement of any unapparent final use of the 3D product and the Library specifically disclaims any knowledge thereof.
D. By submitting content or objects, the patron agrees to assume all responsibility for, and shall hold the library harmless in, all matters related to patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials.
The 3D printing Request Form is included in the printable version of the 3D Printing Policy. There is also a Google Form version of the 3D Printing Request Form.
Library Board of Trustees
May 24, 2022
3D Printing FAQs
What is “slicing” and how do I slice my print?
“Slicing” refers to the process by which software converts a 3-dimensional object model into instructions for the 3D printer to follow. Slicing software is available on the public computers. The available software is NOVAMaker.
I don’t know anything about 3D printing. Can I get help?
Patrons are primarily responsible for modeling and slicing their files, however if help is needed, they can make an appointment with library staff for one-on-one assistance.
How big is your printer?
Maximum size of objects our 3d Printer can print is 130x80x150mm.
What if my print fails?
Printing designs are not guaranteed to come out as intended and can be affected by any number of variables, such as size, complexity and overhanging areas. The Library does not refund printing fees for completed items which do not come out as intended due to options selected by the individual requesting the 3D print, including but not limited to scale, quality, design, required support material, etc.
If a model is found to be printing improperly, Library staff will attempt to print the model a second time. After the second failed attempt, the print request will be placed on hold and the individual requesting the 3D print will be contacted. The file must be fixed before library staff will approve a 3rd attempt to print.
What happens when my print is done?
Patrons will be notified when their print job has been completed, and all files will be deleted from the system at that time.
Projects which are not picked up within seven (7) Calendar days following notification become the property of the Alamosa Public Library and may not be retained at Library staff discretion.
Items must be picked up by the individual who printed them or the alternative person designated on the form.
Animals in the Library
To ensure compliance with the 1990 Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Colorado State law regarding the presence of Service animals in public facilities.
To more clearly define various types of Service animals and provide guidelines to Library employees.
To protect Library patrons, staff, and property from injury/damage.
It is the policy of the Alamosa Public Library to prohibit all animals from entering Library facilities, with the exception of Service animals, Service animal trainees, and animals featured in programs sponsored by APL.
The only persons permitted to bring assistance animals or assistance animal trainees into Library facilities are persons who require the assistance of such an animal and assistance animal trainers.
Service animals that enter any library are expected to behave. If a service animal misbehaves and/or creates an unsafe environment for customers and staff, Library staff reserve the right to ask the handler to leave and return without the service animal. This can include barking, growling, jumping, running, being over-friendly or not housebroken.
Colorado Service Animal Laws
Under federal law, service animals are protected under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Service animals in training are not protected by the ADA, however, they are protected under Colorado Revised Statute 24-34-803.
Under Colorado state law HB16-1426 (effective January 2017), it is a crime to knowingly misrepresent an animal as a service animal. For example, indicating a non service animal is a service animal to bring it into a public business that generally would not allow animals on the premises.
Service Animal Quick Facts
- Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are either trained canines or miniature horses ONLY. There are no specific requirements about height and weight of canines, however, such specifications exist for miniature horses.
- A broader definition of service animal applies exclusively to air travel. ∙ Therapy or crime prevention animals do not qualify as service animals and are not protected under the ADA.
- Service animals are individually trained to perform a task for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Professional training is common, but not required. ∙ Service animals are not required to be listed on a registry, possess paperwork declaring the animal as a service animal, or wear a service animal vest. ∙ Service animals are working animals, not pets. They should not be pet, fed, or instructed to perform tasks by individuals other than their handler.
- Service animals must always be under the handler’s control. Service animals must have a harness, leash, or other tether unless the handler’s disability prohibits their use or if the animal’s tasks would be directly hindered by such equipment.
- Businesses may ask a handler to remove their service animal if the animal is disruptive, aggressive, or not housebroken.
- It is the responsibility of the handler, not businesses, to provide care and control for a service animal.
Is This A Service Animal?
A service animal is categorized as such because it is tasked with performing services directly related to a person’s disability. A person’s disability may not always be visible.
Businesses and public entities are only legally allowed to ask two questions to inquire about a service animal:
- Is this a service animal?
- What task has the animal been trained to perform?
Businesses and public entities are not permitted to require:
- An individual to specify their disability.
- The animal to demonstrate the task it has been trained to perform.
- Documentation proving the animal is on a registry or has been professionally trained.
Service Animal Tasks
Services rendered by the animal may include but not be limited to the following:
For individuals with visible disabilities
- Picking up or retrieving objects.
- Guiding an individual who is blind or visually impaired.
- Providing balance and/or physical support.
For individuals with hidden/invisible disabilities
- Aiding an individual who has hearing loss.
- Performing various tasks during a seizure.
- Interrupting impulsive behaviors for someone
Companion Animals ≠ Service Animals
An animal that primarily provides emotional support, comfort, and/or companionship for a person with a disability is commonly referred to as a companion or assistance animal.
Companion or assistance animals do not qualify as service animals and are not protected under the ADA, however, they are protected under federal and state housing laws.
Companion or assistance animals do not require training.
Only individuals with disabilities are entitled to have companion or assistance animals, however, they are only allowed within the individual’s home.
Housing providers are permitted to ask for documentation to provide evidence of a person’s disability for companion or assistance animals if the disability is not obvious.
Under Colorado state law HB16-1426 (effective January 2017), it is a crime to knowingly misrepresent a companion, assistance, or emotional support animal to avoid pet fees or have an animal in housing that otherwise does not allow animals.
Businesses and other public entities are not required to allow companion or assistance animals into their businesses.
June 2019
Bulletin Board Policy
I. Background
The library offers a bulletin board as a public service for the purpose of displaying notices, event listings, and information for cultural, educational, and civic organizations as well as local businesses. This service is in keeping with the Library’s mission: To inform, educate, and culturally enrich the population of Alamosa County and the San Luis Valley.
Space for community postings is provided on a first-come/first-served basis. Posting of materials on the public bulletin board does not indicate Library endorsement of the promoters, sponsors, content, ideas, issues, or events promoted by these materials.
II. Priorities
Because space is limited, it may not always be possible to post all posters and announcements that are acceptable under the listed guidelines. The following priorities (from high to low) will be used to determine which posters and announcements will be posted:
- Library events & information, and City of Alamosa or other governmental legal notices.
- Government agency information, including City, State and Federal.
- Chamber of Commerce, non-profit business development organizations, and other tourism information.
- Organizations funded or created by the City of Alamosa, non-profit neighborhood associations within the City of Alamosa, and organizations partnering with the City of Alamosa to meet strategic or organizational goals.
- Academic catalogs and information from accredited, public education institutions.
- Health or employment information dispersed by nonprofit organizations.
- Dated, specific events sponsored by or benefiting cultural, educational, or civic nonprofit organizations.
- Local business listings and information.
- All others as determined by the Library Director or Head Librarian.
III. Guidelines
Organizations may post notices and display publications subject to the following guidelines:
- All posters and/or flyers must be submitted to the Library staff for approval prior to display. Any unauthorized items found on the bulletin board will be removed and discarded.
- Preferred size is 8 1⁄2” X 11”, although exceptions may be made by Library staff.
- The appearance and content of the notice must be suitable for display in a public service area.
- Each posting must clearly show the name of the group or individual responsible for its content.
- Normally only one posting per group, individual, or event is permitted on any one public bulletin board at any one time.
- The library will display information for specific events no more than one month in advance of the event. Library staff will remove and discard postings after the event takes place.
- Long term postings (including hotlines, social service information, nonprofit newsletters, and ongoing events) will be displayed as space permits, and may be rotated out to highlight other organizations and resources.
- Posters will be accepted which promote a particular religious, political, social, or other point of view only insofar as they are limited to informing of a particular event, public meeting, or public service.
- The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials and items may be disposed of by the Library staff as needed.
- Notices will not be returned.
The following items will not be accepted for posting:
- Political postings that advocate a specific party or candidate and postings that promote a stance on a public issue.
- Private notices or advertisements (Examples include yard sale announcements, “Puppies for sale”, “home-based cosmetic businesses”, rental announcements, etc.)
- Requests for contributions.
- Electioneering materials or petitions.
- Any materials that: (a) would tend to incite or produce imminent lawless action, (b) are obscene, (c) are obviously false or contain misleading information, or (d) are defamatory.
Application of these guidelines will be based on the judgment of Library staff. Requests that do not fall clearly within these guidelines may be authorized only if they are deemed in the best interest of the Library and the community.
Approved by Library Board
December 6, 2024
Alamosa Public Library
300 Hunt Ave.
Alamosa, CO 81101
Collection Development
Collection development will be consistent with and supportive of the mission statement and overall objectives of Alamosa Public Library in an effort to meet the recreational, informational, and cultural needs of patrons in the city and county of Alamosa.
In accordance with Colorado Law (SB24-216):
- The Alamosa Public Library serves as a center for voluntary inquiry and the dissemination of information and ideas.
- The public has the right to access a range of social, political, aesthetic, moral and other ideas and experiences through the Alamosa Public Library.
- Each library resource is provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of the community and should provide diverse points of view in the collection as a whole.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not exclude a library resource because of the ethnic origin, ethnic background, or gender identity of those contributing to the creation of the library resource or because of the topic addressed by the library resource or the opinions expressed in the library resource.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not proscribe or prohibit the procurement of a library resource because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval of the library resource.
- It is the responsibility of the Alamosa Public Library to challenge censorship in the fulfillment of its responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall consider the perspectives of marginalized groups including but not limited to – American Indians, Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals; and religious minorities.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall prohibit discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the selection, retention, display, use or reconsideration of library resources.
Responsibility for Selection
The Board of the Alamosa Public Library determines the Collection Development Policy. The responsibility for administering this policy rests with the Library Manager. All staff members and the general public are encouraged to recommend materials for consideration. Generally, the Library Manager selects most of the Adult Collection and the Children’s Librarian selects materials for the Easy, Juvenile, and Young Adult collections. Selections are made based on book reviews from such publications as Ingram’s Advance, Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, Library Journal, and The New York Times Book Review – as well as trends, demonstrated popularity of the author or topic, and patron interest.
Acquisitions Guidelines
Each resource must be considered for its value, its format, and the audience for which it is intended. No single criterion is applicable to all purchase and access decisions. Some resources may be judged primarily for their artistic merit, scholarship, or value to humanity while others are chosen to satisfy the informational, recreational, or educational interests of the communities.
Librarians apply their judgment and experience in selecting materials according to the criteria listed below. All criteria do not apply to each item. Works of imagination are judged by different standards than are works of information and opinion. Works that present an aspect of life honestly are not necessarily excluded because of frankness of expression. Materials are judged as a whole rather than on isolated passages. In considering individual titles in the selection process, librarians consult reviews, bibliographies, and other evaluative sources. However, the library generally purchases most current best sellers, giving higher priority to demand rather than to reviews or other relevant criteria. All materials, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the criteria listed below:
- suitability of physical form for library use;
- suitability of subject and style for intended audience;
- present and potential relevance to local interests and needs;
- appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content;
- number and nature of requests from the library users;
- historical significance;
- importance as a document of the times;
- relation to existing collection, alternative formats, and other material on the subject;
- reputation and/or significance of the author/artist and publisher/producer;
- authority, competence, and purpose of the author/artist;
- attention of critics, reviewers, and the public;
- comprehensiveness and depth of treatment;
- objectivity;
- clarity, accuracy, logic of presentation, and/or ease of use;
- representation of a minority point of view;
- relevance to the experiences and contributions of diverse populations;
- artistic presentation and experimentation;
- quality of illustrations;
- originality;
- vitality, readability, or ability to sustain interest;
- effective characterization;
- authenticity of historical or social setting;
- value of resource in relation to its cost;
- cost and availability;
- relationship to existing materials in collection;
- relationship to materials in other area libraries.
Collection Management
Library staff evaluate materials in the collection regularly based on several criteria:
- Timeliness of informational materials, especially in rapidly-changing fields such as computer science and medicine.
- Continued popularity of fictional materials.
- Physical condition.
Materials are removed from the collection or “weeded” if they do not meet the criteria to be kept.
Materials which are weeded from the collection are disposed of in one of the following ways at the discretion of the Library Manager:
- Donated to other libraries.
- Sold by the Friends of the Library to benefit Library projects.
- Distributed via Little Free Libraries and community partner organizations.
- Recycled or discarded.
Replacement of withdrawn materials is not automatic. The decision to replace is influenced by:
- Availability of copies in the system
- Popular interest
- Adequacy of coverage in the subject area
- Significance in subject area
- Cost and availability
Suggestions for Purchase
The library strongly encourages input from the Alamosa community concerning the collection. All suggestions for purchase are subject to the same selection criteria as other materials and are not automatically added to the collection. It is the Library’s intent that suggestions for purchase be used to help in developing collections which serve the interests and needs of the community.
Approved by the Library Board
June 19, 2024
Confidentiality of Records
Privacy with respect to information sought or received and materials consulted or borrowed is a fundamental right for library users. The Library recognizes that these patron records and other information that identifies a person as having used the Library are confidential and are not subject to disclosure. Such records shall not be made available except pursuant to a valid process, order or warrant.
I. As outlined by Colorado Revised Statutes 24-90-119 (Privacy of User Records)
- Except as set forth in subsection (2) of this section, the Alamosa Public Library will not disclose any record or other information that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials or service or as otherwise having used the Library.
- Records may be disclosed in the following instances: a. When necessary for the reasonable operation of the Library; b. Upon written consent of the user; c. Pursuant to subpoena, upon court order, or where otherwise required by law; d. To a custodial parent or legal guardian who has access to a minor’s library card or authorization number for the purpose of accessing by electronic means library records of the minor.
- Any Library official, employee, or volunteer who discloses information in violation of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300).
This policy shall not prevent the Library from pursuing the return of, or payment of, overdue library materials. The Library staff is to use their best judgment in determining whether disclosing information about usage or records is necessary for the reasonable operation of the Library.
II. Inquiries from Law Enforcement Officials
During a visit:
- All Library staff should understand that it is lawful to refer the agent or officer to an administrator in charge of the Library, and that they do not need to respond immediately to any request.
- If anyone approaches a staff member alleging to be a law enforcement official requesting information, DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY INFORMATION.
- Ask for identification and then immediately refer the agent or officer to the Library Director or Head Librarian. Photocopy identification or take business card.
Inquiry from Law Enforcement Officer or Agent without a Court Order:
Without a court order, the agent or officer does not have the authority to compel cooperation with an investigation.
- Direct the law enforcement officer or agent to the Director or Head Librarian.
- The Director/Head Librarian will explain the library’s confidentiality policy and the state’s confidentiality law.
Law Enforcement Officer or Agent Presents a Subpoena:
- Direct the law enforcement officer or agent to the Director or Head Librarian.
- The Director/Head Librarian will ask the City Attorney to examine the subpoena for any legal defect, including the manner in which it was served on the library, the breadth of the request, its form, or an insufficient showing of good cause made to a court.
- If approved by the City Attorney, Library staff will follow the subpoena strictly so that only information that is specifically requested is provided.
Law Enforcement Officer or Agent Presents a Search Warrant:
- Direct the law enforcement officer or agent to the Director or Head Librarian.
- The search warrant is “executable immediately” which means the agent or officer may begin a search of library records as soon as the Director or Head Librarian is served with the court’s order.
- The Director or Head Librarian will ask to have the City Attorney present before the search begins to examine the search warrant and to assure that the search conforms to the terms of the search warrant.
- The law enforcement officer does not have to agree to the presence of the City Attorney.
- Library staff will cooperate with the search to ensure that only records identified in the warrant are produced and that no other users’ records are viewed.
Law Enforcement Officer or Agent Presents a Subpoena or a Search Warrant Issued Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) (USA Patriot Act amendment):
- Follow the same procedures listed under presentation of a regular subpoena or search warrant. However, subpoenas and search warrants issued by a FISA court also contain a “gag order”. This means that no staff member or institution can disclose that the warrant was served or that records have been produced pursuant to the warrant. The library and its staff must comply with this order.
- If it is a FISA subpoena, then the FISA judge is supposed to fix a “time to respond”, which may be a period of days or may be immediately. FISA warrants are executable immediately. No information can be disclosed to any other party including the patron whose records are the subject of the search.
- The gag order does not change a library’s right to legal representation during the search. The library can still seek legal advice concerning the court order and request that the City Attorney be present during the actual search and execution of the court order.
If the order is a National Security Letter (NSL) issued under Section 505 of the USA Patriot Act:
- The procedures for a regular subpoena still apply. However, like a FISA order, a NSL also contains a gag order. The gag order does not prevent consultation with legal counsel.
- The Library Director or Head Librarian can still request that the City Attorney be present during the search.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
February 24, 2009
The Alamosa Public Library will attempt to adhere to the United States copyright law and the doctrine of fair use. The intent of copyright is to encourage the development of new and original works and to stimulate their wide distribution by assuring that their creators will be fairly compensated for their contributions to society. The current American copyright law is embodied in Title 17 of the United States Code.
A limited monopoly granted by federal law. It is the exclusive right that protects an author, composer, or programmer from having his or her work duplicated except by permission.
Fair Use
The legal right to copy a limited amount of material under certain conditions without harm to the owner. Such copying is allowable without obtaining permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law stipulates that photocopying and other kinds of duplication and reproduction must abide by the criteria of “fair use.” The fair use criteria must be applied to determine if intended copying is “fair.” The four criteria of fair use are specified by Section 107 of Title 17 and all criteria need to apply in judging whether or not there may be an infringement. Meeting only one of the criteria is not enough. The copying must reflect appropriate use of all four criteria.
Library Policy
U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by principles of “fair use”. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibilities for any consequences of copyright infringement lie with the users. The Alamosa Public Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
Public Notice
A notice, placed at the Circulation Desk, includes the following text:
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S.Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Federal law requires that each library patron follow the law when making reproductions.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
September 28, 2010
Internet Use Policy
The mission statement of Alamosa Public Library states, in part, “we offer a broad range of library materials and information services as part of a larger library community with whom we share resources.” The Library provides Internet computers and wifi access for public use as an integral part of this mission. Any person, regardless of age or residency, may have free access to Library computers and wifi. Additional online programs and services offered by the Library may include research and instructional databases as well as programs for personal recreation, communication, word processing and data management, and may change over time as we seek to better serve our community’s needs.
Library Disclaimers
1. Internet Customer Usage Statement
The Internet offers access to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information containing a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view. Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete or current, and Library users should cast a cautious and critical eye on any and all data they discover.
Some information accessed through the Internet may be considered offensive or inappropriate for certain age groups. While the Alamosa Public Library is sensitive to the concerns of customers about Internet content, no one, including the Library, can control the information available on the Internet. As such, the Library cannot be held responsible for externally-provided online content and each individual is responsible for their own use of the Internet. As with other library materials, supervision or restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Because Internet terminals and wifi are open to the public, users should be cautious about accessing sensitive data, such as private documents or personal financial information. The Library will not be held liable for Internet usage or access. The job of the Library is access, not endorsement.
Finally, utilization of Library Internet access for illegal, criminal, or other unauthorized purposes will not be tolerated, and may result in the loss of library privileges and/or criminal prosecution or other legal action.
2. External Link Disclaimer
The Alamosa Public Library provides links to external websites as a convenience to our patrons and for informational purposes only. These links do not constitute an endorsement or favoring by the Library or by the City of Alamosa of any of the products, services, or opinions represented by the external Websites. Use of any information contained in these Websites is voluntary on the part of the individual accessing them. While the Library does its best to select sites that will be most useful for our customers, the Alamosa Public Library bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of external websites or for that of subsequent links. Users should contact the external website with questions or concerns regarding its content.
Responsibilities of the Library as a Provider of Internet Access
The Library will provide basic instruction to help patrons access Internet resources. Library staff, however, cannot routinely provide in-depth training on using the Internet or programs provided on each computer.
Consistent with its mission and service roles, the Library has developed a website and provides guides to Internet resources of particular usefulness and interest to the community. However, the Library is not responsible for the accuracy of information on the Internet. The Library shall have no liability for any loss or any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of any use of its connection to the Internet.
In keeping with existing library policies, the Library will protect patron rights to privacy and confidentiality. The Library strives to keep any communications on its computer network confidential. However, users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities. The Library cannot guarantee the security or confidentiality of transactions conducted over the Internet. Library staff, Library Board members, other City personnel, and members of City Council are not responsible for any loss incurred by a user of the Library’s computer or telecommunications equipment.
The Library is in compliance with C.R.S. 24-90-601 et seq., of the Colorado Revised Statutes which requires installation of filtering software for the protection and safety of minors (anyone under 17 years of age) on all public access computers provided by the Library, including the wireless access point. Users must recognize that the technology is imperfect and that it is not possible to block everything that might be considered objectionable.
As part of normal system maintenance, Library staff and network administrators do have the ability to monitor system activity, but the Library does not reveal information about a patron’s use of its computer resources except as required by law or necessary for Library operation.
Responsibilities of Internet Users
Libraries rely on the cooperation of their users in order to efficiently provide shared resources, and ensure community access to a diversity of information. The Alamosa Public Library strives to balance the rights of users to access a wide range of information resources with the rights of users to work in a public environment free from harassing sounds and visuals. The Library asks that all of its library users remain sensitive to the fact that they are working in a public space shared by people of all ages, with a variety of information interests and needs. The Library staff reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images which violate this policy.
Users of the Library’s Internet resources are expected to use them in a legal and ethical manner and must comply with all applicable laws. Misuse of the computer or Internet access will result in the loss of the patron’s computer privileges. Individuals using the Library’s computers or wifi for illegal purposes may also be subject to prosecution.
Unacceptable Use of Library Computers and Wifi
Any of the following actions may result in the loss of library privileges and/or criminal prosecution or other legal action. In general, the Library expects patron behavior to be law-abiding and civil. Unacceptable use of the Library’s public computers and wifi includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Use of the Library’s public computers and wifi for illegal or criminal purposes.
- Violation of the legal protections provided by copyright (Title 17 U.S. Code which prohibits unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of fair use) and licenses to programs or data.
- Use of Library resources to attempt infiltration of a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software or hardware components of a local or remote computer or computing system – uploading any harmful form of programming, vandalism or “hacking”.
- Seeking information on, obtaining copies of, or modifying files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users. Users shall not represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.
- Falsification of one’s age, or other data, to gain access to Internet sites.
- Use of public Internet access workstations beyond time limits established by the Library. This time limit may change without notice, dependent on service demands.
- Unauthorized disclosure, use, and/or dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
- Interference with the use or enjoyment of Library resources by others.
- Disruption of the normal flow of Library operations.
- The display of visual material that is sexual in nature or that might be considered immediately offensive to others, for example, the viewing of pornographic or extremely violent content.
- Distribution of unsolicited advertising or advertising sent out through mass emails.
The Library has the ability and reserves the right to monitor web sessions in order to ensure system security and adherence of rules. Library staff may review these sessions anonymously and remotely. All transactions will be considered confidential, except in those cases where illegal activity is observed, in which case Internet connections may be terminated and information may be made available to the local law enforcement agency in accordance with the provisions of C.R.S. 24-90-119.
Wireless Access Use Policy
Alamosa Public Library offers free wireless access to Library patrons for use with personal notebooks, laptops, and other mobile Internet devices. This access point, also known as a hotspot or WiFi, is an access-restricted, unsecured portal to the Library’s Internet service, provided at users own risk and accessible during regular Library hours. While the Library strives to provide a quality wireless system it cannot guarantee the signal quality, bandwidth availability, or general Internet site availability at any time.
All wireless users are expected to act in a lawful and respectful manner, and are required to conform to the conditions of the Library’s Internet Use Policy.
Although the Library makes every effort to provide secure access to the Internet, users are at risk for loss or theft of information and should take appropriate cautions with personal information while using the wireless access. Information being transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user.
- Do not transmit sensitive information (credit card numbers, passwords, account information) while using wireless access.
- Wireless devices must be configured with protection using current virus definitions.
Use of the Library’s wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user. The Library is not responsible for any information that is compromised or lost through use of its wireless access. This includes damage or loss due to:
- Electrical surges;
- Breaches of security by viruses or hacking; or
- Disruptions to wireless service.
Library staff can provide general information or handouts for connecting your device to the wireless network. Staff cannot routinely provide you technical assistance in configuring your portal device or troubleshooting wireless access problems. The Library does not guarantee that your device will work with the Library’s wireless access. Printed guidelines for some devices are available through the manufacturer.
Printing access is not available through the wireless connection. Standard computer stations are available for use with public printers.
The wireless access will be time-limited and the user name/password can only be used during the allotted time.
Access by Minors to Internet Resources
The Library will make all reasonable effort to limit access by minors to Internet resources that are obscene or illegal. As specified by state and federal laws Internet Protection in Public Libraries, C.R.S. 24-90-601 thru 606, and Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Pub. L. No. 106-554), the Library has installed a technology protection measure (TPM) in the form of a filter on all public Internet- capable computers. This required measure is designed to block or filter Internet access to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors, except that it may not block scientific or medically accurate information regarding sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, or reproductive health.
In consideration of the frequent computer use by minors, the TPM used for all Library wired and wireless networks will not be turned off by library staff.
Users should be aware of the limitations of Internet filtering software. While designed to restrict access to Internet content that could be deemed inappropriate, these systems are no substitute for individual judgment and/or parental involvement and oversight. Filters may block sites which have legitimate research value, as well as allowing some content through which parents might find objectionable.
The Library will actively use the TPM to place additional blocks as deemed necessary to control user abuse of the Library’s electronic resources.
Any patron may recommend having a website reviewed by Library staff as to whether or not it should be reconsidered for blocking or removed from blocking by filling out a “Website Review Form”. (See attachment) City staff (library and IT) will normally complete the review process and notify the customer of the decision within 2 weeks.
Parental Responsibility
The public library, unlike schools, does not serve in loco parentis (in place of a parent). Librarians cannot act in the place of parents in providing constant care and supervision of children as they explore the Internet. Parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what library resources are appropriate for their children. Some Internet information may be inappropriate for children. Parents or legal guardians should guide their children in using the Internet and inform them as to what is or is not appropriate to access. Parents should spend time online with their children to discuss the wealth of information available and how it should be used. As with other Library materials, supervision or restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Parents are encouraged to read and follow these tips for “Internet-wise” parents:
- Take time to learn about the Internet.
- Take individual or group Internet classes, which are always available to families.
- Explore cyberspace with your children.
- Provide clear guidelines – let your children know if there are subjects that are off limits.
- Learn how to evaluate the Internet – read books and magazines. ∙ Teach your children safety rules for dealing with strangers online when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of electronic communication:
- Never give out personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.).
- Never arrange via a computer to meet someone.
- Never respond to messages that are threatening or suggestive, remembering that people online may not be who they say they are.
- Ask a librarian – librarians have always been experts at selecting materials for children.
Public Access Guidelines for Workstation Usage
Accessing Workstations:
- Before using any computer, users must ask for a PIN # ticket or if no computers are available, sign in with the library staff.
- Computers may be used for a 60 minute time period. If, at the end of that time, no one is scheduled to use the computer, the current user may ask for another PIN # ticket.
- No more than 2 people will be permitted at a workstation at a time, as long as they are quiet
- The library staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the computer for any reason.
- Food is not allowed around the computers. All drink containers must have a tight lid to avoid spilling.
Computer Programs:
- Only library software may be used.
- Information may not be saved/downloaded to the library’s computers. All files must be downloaded onto a patron’s flash drive or CD. Flash drives are available for purchase at the front desk.
- The Library uses virus-checking software. However, this is not a guarantee of complete virus protection.
- Users are not permitted to install, delete, or modify library hardware or software.
- Changes may not be made to the setup or configuration of the software, hardware, or printers.
- All printing (including that from the Internet and library software programs) is 15¢ per side (B&W or color).
- Users must pay for all pages from the printer regardless of content. ∙ The library should not be used as a substitute for one of the local print/copying businesses. In order to discourage printing abuse, customers are limited to 30 total pages.
Staff Assistance:
- The library staff cannot routinely provide in-depth computer training, but will attempt to answer basic questions or help users locate resources on the Internet.
Enforcement and Consequences
No one, minor or adult, has the right to use public property to commit crimes. At the same time, no policy can ensure that crimes will never be committed. If customers are found to be accessing materials that may be, at the discretion of the Library, obscene or illegal, they will first be asked to immediately exit the site. Non-compliance will result in the individual’s ejection from the library facility and possibly being barred from future use of the Library’s Internet access and public computers.
By accessing and beginning your Internet session through the Library’s system, it is understood that you have read and accepted the terms as stated in this policy.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
July 25, 2022
Fee Schedule
The Alamosa Public Library provides a wide variety of services to the residents of Alamosa. Most of these services are provided free of charge. However, a nominal fee for some services may be charged to the patron in order to make the service self-supporting or more cost efficient. In addition, a recovery fee may be charged for lost or damaged materials or when Library privileges have been abused.
Print Materials/Audio Books/Videos/New Books
- Replacement Fee
- An item is considered “Lost” 45 days after its due date. After this point, the cost of the item is applied to the patron’s card, along with a processing fee of $5.00 per item.
- Replacement Fee
- Charge per item is determined by the lending library
Library Cards
- Replacement fee of $1.00
- Non-resident library card $10.00 (non-refundable) – good for one year
- $1 per page sent or received
Printing (photocopies)
- $.15 per side (B&W or color)
Limited to thirty (30) B&W or color copies/prints of any single page
3D Printing
- 3D printing costs depend on the volume and size of the object printed, and can be calculated on the Library website at https://alamosalibrary.org/3d-printing/.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
September 26, 2023
Food and Drink
Alamosa Public Library strives to provide a welcoming, comfortable environment where our customers can imagine, learn, and grow. By promoting responsible user behavior, this policy attempts to achieve a balance between our users’ social needs and the need to preserve our collections and maintain a clean and comfortable space for all users.
We ask that library users follow the guidelines listed below to ensure a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for all:
- No food is permitted in the Library, except by special staff permission such as during Library programs and special events.
- Non-alcoholic drinks in covered containers are permitted in all areas except public computer spaces and the Local History Room (spill proof cups, bottles with screw caps, travel mugs, sports bottles, soda cans, cups with a top, juice boxes, etc.).
- No drinks are permitted near the Library’s public computers. Drinks must be safely stowed while patrons are using the computers.
- No drinks are permitted in the Local History Room, due to the fragility and rarity of materials stored there. Drinks must be safely stowed while patrons use this space.
Patrons are asked to be considerate of others and clean up after themselves, disposing of any food and drink-related trash before they leave.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
November 22, 2022
Gifts and Donations
The Library is pleased to accept gifts from the community. Gifts are gratefully and willingly accepted as long as no restrictions are placed upon their use.
In all cases, donation items become the property of the Library. Acceptance of books and other library materials will be determined by the Library Director or Head Librarian on the basis of their suitability to the Library’s purposes and needs in accordance with the Library’s collection development policy. Items that are not added to the collection will be disposed of through the library book sale or other means.
Donations of money for the purchase of materials are always welcome. Suggestions of specific titles or subjects to be purchased with the donation will be honored whenever possible, if they meet the Library’s collection development policy or fulfill Library needs. Items purchased as memorials will contain the appropriate notation of the donor and person or persons being honored.
The Library does not appraise gifts or provide evaluations of gifts for tax deductions or other purposes, but will acknowledge receipt of gifts in writing if requested by the donor.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
February 24, 2009
Interlibrary Loan Policy
I. Purpose
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a method of resource sharing in which library materials are made available from one library to another where libraries are not under the same administration. The purpose of this policy is to define the parameters within which ILL service is provided to APL cardholders and extended to other libraries which ask to borrow Alamosa Public Library materials on behalf of their patrons.
II. Scope
Our ultimate objective for the Library is to provide the patron with the material which he or she is seeking. If the patron cannot find the material, we try to find it for them. If we don’t have the material, we can inform and assist him/her with every possibility for acquiring that material (reserve, interlibrary loan, referral to another agency, etc.). As a member of SWIFT (StateWide Interlibrary Loan Fast Track), this free of charge service allows APL to widen the amount of information available to our patrons in order to fill their reading, viewing, and listening needs. This policy pertains to all lending and borrowing activities conducted by the ILL staff of the Alamosa Public Library.
III. Provisions
A. Materials Borrowed From Other Libraries
- Interlibrary loan materials are subject to the loan periods, renewals, fines, fees and any other applicable policies of the lending library (the library which owns the material). APL will honor the lending library’s condition of loan including observation of dates and duration of loans, recall notices, fees (if applicable), and special handling provisions. APL will explain these conditions to the patron at checkout.
- Books owned by APL will not be requested unless these items will not become available to the patron in a reasonable amount of time or if additional copies are needed to fulfill the needs of a book club.
B. Materials Loaned to Other Libraries
- Materials available for loan to other libraries include single books; audiovisual materials; limited photocopies of periodical articles, book chapters, essays, poems, etc.; printout copies from microfilm, and printouts from an electronic database.
- a. ILL staff may make one (1) copy of the following:
- A chapter from a book,
- An article from a periodical or newspaper,
- A short story, short essay or short poem,
- A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.
- a. ILL staff may make one (1) copy of the following:
- b. Notice of Copyright on Copied Material:
- If the work has a formal copyright notice, photocopy the page where the copyright notice appears and attach it to the copied article.
- If work has no formal copyright notice, attach a copy of the following statement to the copied work:
- “The work from which this copy was made did not include a formal copyright notice. This work may be protected under US copyright Law (Title 17, USC), which governs reproduction, distribution, public display, and certain other uses of protected works. Uses may be allowed with permission from the rights holder; or if the copyright on the work has expired, or if the use is “fair use” or within another exemption. The user of this work is responsible for determining lawful uses.”
- b. Notice of Copyright on Copied Material:
- Materials not available for loans include, downloadable materials, actual microfilm, items cataloged as reference materials, new-stickered items, materials with prohibitive replacement costs, or board books
- The initial circulation period for materials loaned to other libraries is five (5) weeks. Extensions may be granted when requested and will be based on whether or not there is a local need for the materials.
C. Limits and Fees
- There is no overall limit on the number of ILL requests that any one patron may submit, but, at any given time, a limit of five ILL requests per patron can be processed. Items requested by an individual patron will be processed in the order received.
- Materials will be borrowed from and loaned to libraries in the Continental United States. When borrowing, materials are always requested first from lenders who provide the materials at no cost. When a free source is not located, patrons are charged the fees specified by the lending library. Permission will be obtained from the patron before the request for any item with an associated fee is submitted.
D. Patron Responsibilities and Rights
- To be eligible to borrow an item through the Interlibrary Loan process, a patron must have a valid APL library card with no fines due.
- Overdue Materials
- a. Patrons are to return borrowed items by the due date which is found on the band on each item.
- b. The maximum fine due shall be the value of the item plus any applicable fees, as determined by the lending library.
- Patrons are expected to return items in the same condition as received. Patrons may be billed an amount named by the lending library if materials are returned damaged or if the item is lost. Patron purchased replacement items will not be accepted. If an item that has been reported lost is returned by a APL patron after the item has been paid for, no refunds will be issued.
- If an item loaned to another library is reported lost, staff will charge the replacement value of the item to the borrowing library. If an item reported lost is found by the borrower after payment, no refunds will be issued.
- Patrons are to pick up materials obtained through Interlibrary Loan before the due date. Items not picked up by the due date will be returned to the lending library.
- Interlibrary Loan requests may be cancelled at any time by the patron for a no-cost request. If a patron wishes to cancel a request for an item requiring a fee after the item has been shipped by the lender, the patron will be responsible for the total cost of the fee.
- All paperwork that is with ILL materials at checkout must be returned with the item.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
Lost and Found
The library is not responsible for personal items left in the library or on the library premises. When a member of the public leaves an item, a reasonable attempt will be made to return the lost item to its owner.
- In most cases, items that are lost and found in the library or turned in to library personnel by the public are held for four weeks, at which time they will be disposed of.
- Hazardous and perishable items are discarded immediately.
- For items that are believed to be illegal in nature, staff will contact the Police Department for assistance.
- Items of obvious value, including (but not limited to) wallets, cellular phones, jewelry, cash, and credit cards are held in a secure location.
- If the owner of the item can be determined, staff will attempt to contact the owner in a timely manner.
- If the owner of a lost and found item visits the library and satisfactorily identifies the item, the item will be returned to them.
- If items are not claimed in a timely manner, they will be disposed of by the Library Director or Head Librarian by being discarded, turned over to the Police Department, or donated to charity, as appropriate.
- Bicycles that are chained to the bike rack for longer than five days will be removed and turned over to the Police Department.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
July 28, 2009
Patron Behavior Policy
Library staff reserves the right to ask patrons, including children and young adults, to desist from behavior deemed objectionable within this policy and not conducive to the proper operation of a public library.
Objectionable behavior includes but is not limited to the following:
- Sleeping in the library.
- Obscene language.
- Loud noises and/or disruptive behavior that interferes with library use by others, including loud cell phone conversations.
- Not being fully clothed. (Wearing a shirt, shoes, and pants, dress, or skirt is a requirement of using the library.)
- Smoking, chewing, vaping, or use of any tobacco products.
- Misuse of food or drink. (Food and Drink Policy)
- Abandoning or leaving young children unattended. (Safe Child Policy)
- Bringing in animals other than service animals, except as part of a Library-sponsored program. (Animals in the Library Policy)
- Distributing leaflets or posting notices not authorized by Library administration. (Bulletin Board Policy)
- Unacceptable use of Library Internet, including viewing pornography and/or sexually explicit material on the library’s public access computers. (Internet Use Policy)
- Verbal or physical abuse or harassment of staff or other patrons.
- Unacceptable hygiene including offensive odors.
- Use or possession of drugs or alcohol.
- Damage, defacement, or theft of any Library materials or property. (Theft or Mutilation of Library Property Policy)
- Inappropriate sexual conduct, including voyeurism, stalking, peeping, or acts of public indecency.
When a patron does not comply with the Library’s Behavior Policy, Library Staff are authorized to respond at their discretion to deliver warnings, ask patrons to leave, or call law enforcement if necessary. Staff response to patron behavior infractions will be guided by the Disruptive Behavior Response Framework that follows this document. The Library Manager in consultation with the Director of Parks and Recreation may further exercise their judgment to suspend a patron’s library privileges for a period of one month or more. Patrons whose privileges have been restricted will be informed in writing, using the appended Notification of Restriction from Property form.
Any patron whose privileges have been rescinded for more than six months may have the decision reviewed by the City Manager by filing a request for review in writing with the City Manager within 10 days of the date of the written decision revoking such privileges.
Revised & Approved by City of Alamosa Library Advisory Board and City Attorney
November 2022
Disruptive Behavior Response Framework
Below is a partial list of Patron Behavior Policy violations, and the consequences of those violations. Staff are authorized to use their discretion, based on situational factors, to alter their responses if that would be most conducive to the running of the Library and the service of the public. Incident reports should be filed for all interactions in Categories 2 and 3.
1. Least Serious
- a. Sleeping.
- b. Obscene language, loud noises or disruptive behavior.
- c. Failing to wear a shirt or shoes.
- d. Smoking, chewing, vaping, or use of any tobacco products.
- e. Eating or drinking in restricted areas.
- f. Leaving young children unattended.
- g. Bringing in animals other than service animals, except as part of a Library-sponsored program.
- h. Distributing leaflets or posting notices not authorized by Library administration.
- Library staff will deliver one or more verbal warnings. Patrons who do not comply will be asked to leave for the day.
2. More Serious
- a. Unacceptable use of Library Internet.
- b. Verbal or physical abuse or harassment of staff or other patrons.
- c. Unacceptable hygiene including offensive odors.
- d. Use of alcohol in the Library.
- e. Repeated behavioral violations from Category 1.
- Library staff will ask the patron to leave for the day – and will deliver and file a written warning when the patron returns to the Library. Patrons who do not comply will be suspended from the Library for 1-6 months.
3. Most Serious
- a. Threatening staff or patrons with a weapon.
- b. Possession or distribution of controlled substances.
- c. Assault or battery upon any person.
- d. Vandalism or theft of Library property.
- e. Inappropriate sexual conduct.
- f. Trespassing – including suspended patrons refusing to leave the premises.
- g. Repeated behavioral violations from Category 2.
- Library staff will ask the patron to leave immediately and call law enforcement if necessary. The Library Manager will deliver and file a Notice of Restriction from Property as soon as possible. The patron will be suspended from the Library for 6-12 months. A patron who has been served a suspension of more than 6 months may appeal to the City Manager by filing a written request for review within 10 days of receiving the Notification of Restriction from Property.
The Alamosa Public Library may prohibit individuals who interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Library by other patrons or the safety or security of the library staff or the facility itself from entering the library. Library staff have determined that you have engaged in conduct sufficient to require restricting your access to the Library. This document is formal notice and warning to you that you are no longer allowed in the Alamosa Public Library for the period of time set forth below. If you ignore this notice and enter the Library, library staff may contact the police and request you be charged with criminal trespass.
STAFF SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________
Without admitting the truth of any of the allegations set forth above, I have read (or have had read to me) this notice and understand that as of the date set forth above I am prohibited from entering the Alamosa Public Library until the duration of the restriction has passed. I understand that if my prohibition extends for more than six months may have the decision reviewed by the City Manager by filing a request for review in writing with the City Manager within 10 days of the date of this notice as set forth above.
Name of Recipient (Print)
____________________________________ (DATE): ___________________________
Signature of Recipient
Patron refuses to sign: ______
Comportamiento de los Clientes
El personal de la biblioteca se reserva el derecho de preguntar a los clientes, incluyendo a niños y menores, desistir del comportamiento calificado como objetable dentro de esta política y que no conduce a la operación propia de una biblioteca pública.
El comportamiento objetable incluye, pero no se limita a lo siguiente:
- Dormir en la biblioteca.
- Lenguaje obsceno.
- Ruido y/o comportamiento disruptivo que interfiere con el uso de la biblioteca, que incluye conversaciones en voz alta en un teléfono celular.
- No llevar ropa apropiada. (Se requiere llevar una camisa, zapatos, y pantalones, falda o vestido para usar la biblioteca.)
- Fumar, mascar tabaco, usar un vaporizador o cualquier otro producto de tabaco.
- Comer o beber en una manera o lugar prohibido por la Política de Comida y Bebida.
- Abandonar a un niño o dejar a un niño sin supervisión apropiada. (Política de Niños Seguros)
- Llevar animales que no son animales de servicio, excepto como parte de un evento puesto por la Biblioteca. (Política de Animales en la Biblioteca)
- Distribuir folletos o publicar avisos que no son autorizados por la Biblioteca. (Política del Tablón de Anuncios)
- Usar el Internet en una manera prohibida, que incluye ver pornografía y/o material explícitamente sexual en una computadora pública. (Política del Uso del Internet)
- Abuso verbal o físico hacia el personal de la biblioteca u otros clientes.
- Higiene inaceptable incluyendo olores ofensivos.
- Usar o tener drogas o alcohol.
- Dañar, vandalizar o robar cualquier propiedad de la Biblioteca. (Política del Robo o Vandalismo de la Propiedad de la Biblioteca)
- Comportamiento inapropiadamente sexual, que incluye el voyeurismo o actos de indecencia pública.
Cuando un cliente no cumple con esta política, el personal de la Biblioteca está autorizado a responder a su discreción a dar advertencias, pedir a clientes que salgan de la biblioteca, o llamar a la policía si es necesario. El personal de la biblioteca usará el Marco de Respuesta que sigue este documento para guiar sus respuestas al comportamiento disruptivo. El Jefe de la Biblioteca, en consulta con el Director de Parques y Recreación puede usar su juicio para suspender los privilegios de un cliente a usar la biblioteca durante un mes o más. La Biblioteca informará por escrito a los clientes cuyos privilegios han sido restringidos así, usando la Notificación de Restricción de Instalaciones que sigue.
Cualquier cliente cuyos privilegios han sido rescindidos por más de seis meses puede pedir que el Administrador de la Ciudad revise la decisión. El cliente debe hacer una solicitud en escrito con el Administrador de la Ciudad dentro de diez días de la fecha de la decisión que revocó sus privilegios.
Marco de Respuesta al Comportamiento Disruptivo
Sigue abajo una lista parcial de violaciones de la Política del Comportamiento de los Clientes, y las consecuencias de estas violaciones. El personal de la Biblioteca tiene la autoridad de cambiar sus respuestas al comportamiento disruptivo, basado en la situación, si esto sería mejor para mantener nuestro servicio al público. Se debe presentar un Informe de Incidente al Jefe de la Biblioteca para cada incidente en las categorías 2 y 3.
- Menos Serio
- Dormir.
- Lenguaje obsceno, ruido o comportamiento disruptivo.
- No llevar una camisa o zapatos.
- Fumar, mascar tabaco, o usar un vaporizador o cualquier otro producto de tabaco.
- Comer o beber en lugares prohibidos.
- Abandonar o dejar a niños sin supervisión apropiada.
- Llevar animales que no son animales de servicio, excepto como parte de un evento puesto por la Biblioteca.
- Distribuir folletos o publicar avisos que no son autorizados por la Biblioteca.
- El personal de la Biblioteca dará unas advertencias verbales. Los clientes que no cumplan deberán salir de la Biblioteca por el día.
2. Mas Serio
- Usar el Internet de una manera prohibida.
- Abuso verbal o físico hacia el personal de la biblioteca u otros clientes.
- Higiene inaceptable incluyendo olores ofensivos.
- Usar alcohol en la Biblioteca.
- Repetir acciones de la Categoría 1.
- El personal de la Biblioteca le pedirá al cliente que salga por el día, y le dará una advertencia escrita cuando regrese a la Biblioteca. Esta advertencia se presentará al Jefe de la Biblioteca. Los clientes que no cumplan estarán prohibidos de la Biblioteca por 1-6 meses.
3. Muy Serio
- Amenazar al personal de la Biblioteca u otros clientes con un arma.
- Tener o distribuir drogas.
- Atacar a cualquiera persona.
- Vandalizar o robar cualquier propiedad de la Biblioteca.
- Comportamiento inapropiadamente sexual.
- Entrar a la Biblioteca sin derecho, que incluye clientes que rechazan salir de la Biblioteca.
- Repetir acciones de la Categoría 2.
- El personal de la Biblioteca le pedirá al cliente que salga de la Biblioteca inmediatamente, y llamará a la policía si es necesario. El Jefe de la Biblioteca le presentará al cliente una Notificación de Restricción de Instalaciones lo antes posible. La restricción durará entre 6 y 12 meses. Cualquier cliente cuyos privilegios han sido rescindidos por más de seis meses puede pedir que el Administrador de la Ciudad revise la decisión. El cliente debe hacer una solicitud en escrito con el Administrador de la Ciudad dentro de diez días de la fecha de la decisión que revocó sus privilegios.
Revisado y Aprobado por el Comité de la Biblioteca y el Abogado de la Ciudad de Alamosa
Noviembre 22, 2022
Program Policy
At the Alamosa Public Library, a “program” is a planned interactive event between Library staff (or designees) and participants for the purpose of supporting the Library’s mission: “to inform, educate, and culturally enrich the population of Alamosa county and the San Luis Valley”.
Responsibility for program development is vested in the Library Manager and any staff whose job descriptions include program responsibilities. Selection of program topics, speakers, courses, classes, and resource materials will be made by staff on the basis of the interests and needs of patrons and community, with the Library’s Mission and goals in mind. Programs may include controversial content.
In accordance with Colorado Law (SB24-216):
- The Alamosa Public Library serves as a center for voluntary inquiry and the dissemination of information and ideas.
- The public has the right to access a range of social, political, aesthetic, moral and other ideas and experiences through the Alamosa Public Library.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not exclude a library resource (including a program) because of the ethnic origin, ethnic background, or gender identity of those contributing to the creation of the library resource or because of the topic addressed by the library resource or the opinions expressed in the library resource.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not proscribe or prohibit the procurement of a library resource because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval of the library resource.
- It is the responsibility of the Alamosa Public Library to challenge censorship in the fulfillment of its responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall consider the perspectives of marginalized groups including but not limited to – American Indians, Latinos, African Americans, and Asian Americans; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals; and religious minorities.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall prohibit discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the selection, retention, display, use or reconsideration of library resources.
Select programs are generally targeted to age-specific audiences (i.e. children’s programs), and some may be limited to specific ages. Program age limits are put in place for the following purposes:
- To reflect the skill or developmental level needed to effectively and safely participate in an activity.
- To create a comfortable environment for socialization.
- To ensure limited supplies and space are used to benefit the program’s target audience.
Programs will not be limited by age in response to concerns over a program’s ideological content.
Programs may be hosted at the Library or offsite.
Programs are funded in part by the operating budget with additional support from the Friends of the Alamosa Public Library, grants, donations, gifts, as well as partnerships. The Library Board, in conjunction with the Library Manager, are responsible for recommending a budget for programming to facilitate the effective implementation of this service.
The Library may require a contract to be executed by program presenters. Organizations or business affiliations of presenters or co-sponsoring organizations may be used in promoting programs. This promotion does not constitute endorsement. Presenters are vetted for their professionalism, subject knowledge, presentation skills, qualifications, and relevant experience. The Library does not offer programs of a commercial nature with the intention of soliciting future business. Presenters from businesses may be included in programming if their information is of general interest. They may only offer brochures and information about their business after the program, but not during or as part of the program. The Library may permit the sale of books written by presenters or recordings by performers in conjunction with a program with advance permission of the Library Manager.
All requests for the Library to reconsider or cancel programs must be made in writing. Staff will make the Request for Reconsideration of Program form available to anyone who expresses an objection to Library programming.
In accordance with Colorado Law (SB24-216):
- A public library may remove a library resource (including a program) only if the resource has been reviewed in accordance with an established policy that meets the law’s requirements, as set forth earlier in this policy.
- To make a request for reconsideration, the individual making the request must reside in the legal service area of the Alamosa Public Library – i.e. the City of Alamosa itself.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not reconsider the same library resource more than once every two years.
- A written request for reconsideration of a library resource is not a library user record, and is an open record under the “Colorado Open Records Act”.
The following procedures will be followed when a patron or group finds a program objectionable or unsuitable for the public:
- The patron or group will be asked to submit a Request for Reconsideration of Program form to the Library Director. The patron may leave the completed form at the Library or mail it to the Library Director.
- If the program under reconsideration has not yet taken place, it will remain on the calendar, and will not be delayed or canceled until a final decision has been made. If a decision cannot be made before the program is scheduled to take place, the program will proceed as scheduled and the decision of the committee will affect future programming decisions.
- Upon receipt of the completed form, the Library Director will assign at least three library staff members to research the program. This research will take into account:
- The program’s support of the Library’s mission and goals.
- The program’s history, attendance and impact if it is a recurring program.
- How similar programs have functioned in other communities, and the anticipated impact of this program if it is new.
- Representation of and appeal to diverse groups.
4. The Request for Reconsideration form will be presented to the Library Board along with the staff committee’s findings at the next regular meeting of the Board. The Library Director and the Library Board will arrive at a decision that is based on the committee’s findings, the opinions of Board Members, and the program’s value to the community. A second meeting may be needed if the Board feels more time is needed to reach a decision.
- Library Board meetings are open to the public, with time for public comment.
5. The program in question will either:
- Be canceled, and no longer take place in the Library.
- Be modified in content or delivery, perhaps by including an age limit.
- Proceed as usual.
6. The individual or group will be officially notified in writing of the decision of the Library Board and the Library Director.
- In accordance with SB24-216, the determination of the Board will be made available to the public.
- As a final recourse, patrons who still feel that their concerns have not been adequately met have the ability to express their issues to the City Council.
Approved by Library Board
July 23, 2024
Alamosa Public Library
300 Hunt Ave.
Alamosa, CO 81101
The form, “REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF PROGAM” can be found at the end of the printable policy.
Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy
In order to represent diversity of thought, it is important that the Library’s collection contain materials representing differing points of view on public issues of a controversial nature. The Alamosa Public Library does not endorse particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply an endorsement of the viewpoint expressed by the author. Library staff will not label or identify materials to show approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will they sequester items, except for the purpose of protecting them from theft or damage.
Comments from members of the community about the collection or individual items in the collection are welcome, and frequently provide library staff with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection.
All requests for the Library to reconsider materials must be made in writing. Staff will make the Request for Reconsideration of Material form available to anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with Library material. In accordance with Colorado Law (SB24-216):
- A public library may remove a library resource from its permanent collection only if the library resource has been reviewed in accordance with an established policy that meets the law’s requirements. These standards are set forth in the Collection Development policy.
- To make a request for reconsideration, the individual making the request must reside in the legal service area of the Alamosa Public Library – i.e. the City of Alamosa itself.
- The Alamosa Public Library shall not reconsider the same library resource more than once every two years.
- A written request for reconsideration of a library resource is not a library user record, and is an open record under the “Colorado Open Records Act”.
The following procedures will be followed when a patron or group finds some specific material or author objectionable or unsuitable for circulation:
- The patron or group will be asked to submit a Request for Reconsideration of Material form to the Library Director. The patron may leave the completed form at the Library or mail it to the Library Director.
- Materials under reconsideration shall remain on the shelves and in circulation until a final decision has been made.
- Upon receipt of the completed form, the Library Director will assign at least three library staff members to read/watch/listen to the material itself, along with reviews of the material from various sources. Board members are also expected to read or review the material under consideration. The Library will obtain additional copies of the material as needed from appropriate sources for the Board of Trustees. This review committee will evaluate the material based on its:
- Literary or artistic merit.
- Educational or historical merit.
- Representation of diverse groups.
- Support of the Library’s mission, goals, and especially its Collection Development Policy.
- The Request for Reconsideration form will be presented to the Library Board along with the staff committee’s findings on the material in question at the next regular meeting of the board. The Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees will arrive at a decision that is based on methodical study of the professional reviews of the work in question, the opinions of the Trustees, the opinions of the staff, and the material’s strength and value evaluated with respect to the criteria set forth in paragraph 3, above, as a whole and not in part. A second meeting may be needed if the Board feels more time is needed to reach a decision.
- The material in question will be either:
- withdrawn as no longer suitable for the library collection development, OR
- left on the shelf for accessibility to the general public.
6. The individual or group will be officially notified in writing of the decision of the Library Board and the Library Director.
In accordance with SB24-216, the determination of the Board will be made available to the public.
7. As a final recourse, patrons who still feel that their concerns have not been adequately met have the ability to express their issues to City Council.
All Library patrons shall have full access to the Library’s collection. Selection of adult materials will not be limited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of minors. Library personnel may attempt to dissuade a young patron who has chosen a book obviously beyond his or her comprehension, but if that young patron insists on checking out that specific book, the library staff member cannot be held responsible in any way.
Responsibility for the reading of minors rests with their parents or legal guardians.
Items on Display
The Alamosa Public Library maintains several locations for the display and promotion of library materials. The purpose of these displays are:
- To encourage circulation.
- To draw attention to different areas of the collection and different types of materials.
- To offer information and resources related to current events.
As in the general collection, the Library strives for diversity and representation in displayed items – including diversity in viewpoints. The selection of an item for display does not suggest endorsement of beliefs or views expressed by the author. Staff will ensure items on display in Library children’s areas are age-appropriate, but otherwise materials for display will not be restricted based solely on anticipated disagreement regarding their contents.
A patron request that an item be removed from a display will be handled as follows:
- If the item was included in a display by accident, Library staff will return it to regular shelving.
- If the item was included in the display intentionally, the patron will be asked to submit a Request for Reconsideration form. If the patron chooses to do so, Library staff and the Board will proceed with the reconsideration process, as outlined above.
eContent and Databases
In order to fulfill our mission of “offer[ing] a broad range of library materials and information services”, the Alamosa Public Library subscribes to various online content providers. Subscription content may include electronic books, articles, audiobooks, music, videos, and instructional materials; and may change from year to year as Library staff seek to best serve the public.
While Library staff carefully select the platforms, consortia, and content providers for subscription; the individual items, articles and programs on those platforms are selected by third parties. The presence of an item among Library-provided eContent does not suggest endorsement of beliefs or views expressed therein.
eContent platforms and providers may categorize their content by age level, and may have ways to restrict user access to child-appropriate material. As all Library patrons have full access to the library’s physical collection, they all have full access to the Library’s electronic collection. Restricting a minor’s access on a library-provided eContent platform is entirely the responsibility of the minor’s parent or guardian. The Alamosa Public Library encourages parents and guardians to be involved in their children’s online activity and can help with account setup, if needed.
Patrons who find an item of Library-provided eContent objectionable will be asked to submit a Request for Reconsideration form. Due to the nature of eContent platforms, removal of a single item a patron finds objectionable may not be possible. The Library Director and Board would then consider whether the request for reconsideration warrants removal of the entire platform and all other associated content.
Approved by the Library Board
June 19, 2024
The form, “REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF MATERIAL” can be found at the end of the printable policy.
Safe Child Policy
Parent/Guardian-Library Partnership
Thank you for bringing your child to visit the library. Library visits have a direct connection with children growing into readers. We can help you find books and materials appropriate for your children’s age, interests, and reading levels, answer your questions about how children grow into readers, and provide you and your family with a variety of educational and enriching activities.
Our role in this partnership is to select diverse, quality materials that will challenge, interest, and inform children. We will be glad to make recommendations for your child based on your personal criteria. Please remember, however, that we are a public library; we collect materials suitable and of interest to all segments of the public.
Your role in this partnership is to see that materials borrowed by your child are appropriate for that individual child. The library staff does not limit choices or censor materials. It is also your responsibility to make your child aware of the obligation to return materials in a timely manner and in good condition and to pay for any fines or other charges that occur.
Our Safe Child Rules & Expectations
Any public place may be dangerous for a child who is left unattended even for brief periods of time. Staff members cannot know or be responsible if children are leaving the building with responsible caregivers or with strangers. When a child is left at the library without a parent or caregiver, the child’s boredom, fatigue or fear may lead to behavior that disrupts the services the library staff provides for them and for others. The Library encourages parents and caregivers to consider the safety and well being of their children, as in any other public place, and the needs of other library users of all ages.
- We expect parents/caregivers to be responsible for their children’s behavior in the library, whether or not the parents/responsible persons are present.
- We expect parents to understand and explain the library rules to their children. The rules and policies have been developed to safeguard the collection and ensure fairness for all library users. Complete silence is no longer a rule in our library; conversational voices are usually fine and even mild “fussy” behavior in the youngest. We do ask for children to be taught consideration of others while in the library.
- Younger children who become very upset and cannot be calmed should be taken outdoors “to catch their breath.” Children who are unhappy during their time in the library are more likely to grow up not liking libraries, books, or reading. The library needs to be an enjoyable place for them and for other patrons as well.
- We expect all children under the age of 8 to be accompanied by an adult at all times while visiting the library. The library in no way assumes responsibility for any child, of any age, left unattended in the building.
- We expect all children and teens, as well as adults, to use appropriate language and behavior in the library. Those who do not will be asked to leave.
- We expect parents to set reasonable time limits for their children’s library visits. Parents/caregivers must remain in the library during programs if their child is under 8 years of age and parents are encouraged to attend programs with their children. Children 8 and older may attend library programs without a parent.
- We expect parents to be responsible for the types of materials checked out by their children and their selection choices. The library staff does not limit choices or censor materials.
- We expect parents to maintain control of their children while visiting the library. Please remember that the library staff’s professional services do not include baby-sitting, disciplining, or supervising.
- We expect parents who attend children’s programming with their children to lead by example and demonstrate good listening habits.
- We expect parents/caregivers of children between the ages of 8 and 12 to have a responsible plan for picking up their children by closing time. Under no circumstances will a staff member drive a child home. If a child is not claimed within 15 minutes following the scheduled closing of the library, the Alamosa Police Department will be notified of the situation.
Obligations of the Library
Unlike schools, the Library does not act in loco parentis. The adult guardian is primarily responsible for the safety of children in their care. That said, the Library does take the safety of children seriously. To that end, the Library will:
- Perform background checks of all employees and volunteers, teen volunteers excepted.
- Provide appropriate supervision to teen volunteers.
- Supervise the interactions of external presenters with youth.
- Train staff in appropriate conduct and sexual abuse prevention.
Safe Child Code of Conduct
Library staff are committed to the protection of youth. We model appropriate conduct at all times.
- Library staff and volunteers will not be alone with a child or teen at any time.
- Library staff and volunteers will demonstrate appropriate physical boundaries with children and teens. Physical expressions of affection should not be prolonged or inappropriate. High-fives, fist bumps and brief hugs are generally appropriate, but should be initiated by the child or teen.
- Library staff and volunteers will communicate appropriately with youth – no harassment or sexually provocative communication will be permitted. Communication between staff and youth outside of the Library (email, social media, text or phone calls) should occur with the knowledge and consent of their parents, and the knowledge of the Library Manager. This communication should never be one-on-one.
- Library staff and volunteers are not mandated reporters. However, any disclosures from youth about harm to self or others, including self-harm, suicidal thoughts, homicidal or abusive thoughts, child abuse, intimate partner violence, bullying, harassment, serious substance problems should be reported to the Library Manager.
- If a child or teen discloses information about their gender identity or sexual orientation that they have not made public, staff and volunteers will not share the disclosure with other people without the permission of the youth. Library staff and volunteers will lead by example with support, tolerance and acceptance.
- Library staff and volunteers take responsibility for maintaining appropriate boundaries with youth – and for ensuring their colleagues maintain those boundaries as well.
Help Your Child Become a Lifelong Reader
As a parent, the most important thing you can do to help your child learn to read and develop as a reader is to read aloud to them. You don’t need expensive products that promise instant reading success and deliver less than perfect results. Children of all ages benefit from parents sitting down with them and reading aloud from a book, magazine, or even a comic page of the newspaper.
Be a role model for your child. Children will emulate your actions more than your words. Let them see you reading for pleasure. Show them the importance of being a lifelong learner and that the library is a wonderful place to continue that learning experience. Make going to the library a regular excursion for you and your child.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
July 25, 2022
Política de Niños Seguros
Colaboración entre padres/guardianes y la Biblioteca
Gracias por traer a su niño a visitar la biblioteca. Visitar la biblioteca ayuda a convertir a los niños en lectores. Podemos ayudarle a encontrar libros y materiales apropiados para la edad de su niño, sus intereses, y su nivel de lectura. También podemos responder a sus preguntas acerca de cómo los niños llegan a ser lectores; y ofrecer a su familia una variedad de actividades enriquecedoras.
Nuestro papel en esta colaboración es seleccionar materiales diversos y de calidad que interesen e informen a su niño. Podemos recomendar materiales para su niño basadas en su criterio personal. Sin embargo, recuerde, por favor, que somos una biblioteca pública. Proveemos materiales apropiados para todas partes de la sociedad.
Su papel en esta colaboración es asegurarse de que los materiales elegidos por su niño son apropiados para él. Los empleados de la biblioteca no limitan la elección de los materiales, ni los censuran. También es su responsabilidad hacer que su niño sepa su obligación de devolver sus materiales a tiempo y en buena condición; y pagar cualquier multa que ocurra.
Nuestras reglas y expectativas para niños seguros
Cualquier lugar público puede ser peligroso para un niño dejado sin supervisión, aún por unos momentos. Los empleados de la biblioteca no pueden saber – ni son responsables – si los niños salen del edificio con guardianes o con extraños. Cuando se deja un niño en la biblioteca sin supervisión, el aburrimiento, la fatiga o el miedo puede causar este niño a interrumpir el trabajo y los servicios de la biblioteca y otras personas. La biblioteca recomienda que los padres y guardianes consideren la seguridad y el bienestar de sus niños – como en cualquier otro lugar público – y también las necesidades de otras personas que usan la biblioteca, de cualquier edad.
- Suponemos que padres y guardianes sean responsables del comportamiento de sus niños en la biblioteca, si estos padres y guardianes están presentes o no.
- Suponemos que los padres entiendan las reglas de la biblioteca, y las expliquen a sus niños. Estas reglas y políticas existen para proteger a la colección y asegurar equidad a todos los que usan la biblioteca. El silencio total ya no es una regla en nuestra biblioteca; la conversación ordinaria generalmente está bien, aún niñitos quisquillosos. Rogamos que los niños tengan consideración para los demás mientras usan la biblioteca.
- Los niños más pequeños que se ponen muy nerviosos y no se pueden tranquilizar, se les debe de sacar fuera para calmarse. Es probable que los niños que no están contentos durante su visita a la biblioteca no van a disfrutar leer. La biblioteca debe ser un lugar agradable para los niños, así como para los demás.
- Suponemos que un adulto acompañe a cualquier niño menor de 8 años mientras visita la biblioteca. La biblioteca no asume en ningún modo la responsabilidad por ningún niño de cualquier edad que esté desatendido en el edificio.
- Suponemos que todos los niños y adolescentes, así como los adultos, usan lenguaje apropiado y se comportan bien en la biblioteca. A los que no lo hagan, les pediríamos salir de la biblioteca.
- Suponemos que los padres establezcan límites razonables en los períodos de tiempo que pasan sus niños en la biblioteca. Si sus niños son menores de 8 años, los padres/guardianes deben quedarse en la biblioteca durante programas o eventos, y recomendamos que los padres/guardianes participen en programas con sus niños. Los niños de 8 años o mayores pueden participar en programas de la biblioteca sin sus padres.
- Suponemos que los padres/guardianes sean responsables del tipo de materiales que saquen sus niños de la biblioteca. Los empleados de la biblioteca no limitan la elección de los materiales, ni los censuran.
- Suponemos que los padres/guardianes mantengan el control de sus niños mientras visitan la biblioteca. Por favor, recuerden que los servicios profesionales que ofrecemos no incluyen servicio de guardería, disciplina o supervisión.
- Suponemos que los padres/guardianes que participan en las actividades de la biblioteca con sus niños sean un buen ejemplo y muestran buen comportamiento.
- Suponemos que los padres/guardianes de niños entre los 8 y los 12 años de edad tengan un plan responsable para recogerlos a la hora de cerrar la biblioteca. De ninguna manera llevará un empleado de la biblioteca a un niño en coche a ningún lugar. Si nadie recoge a un niño 15 minutos después de cerrar la biblioteca, se notificará al Departamento de Policía de Alamosa de la situación.
Obligaciones de la biblioteca
A diferencia de las escuelas, la biblioteca no opera in loco parentis. El guardián o padre es responsable de la seguridad de los niños bajo su cuidado. Eso dijo, la biblioteca toma en serio la seguridad de los niños. Con ese fin, la biblioteca:
- Realizará verificaciones de antecedentes para todos los empleados y voluntarios, adolescentes exceptuados.
- Proveerá supervisión suficiente para voluntarios adolescentes.
- Supervisará las interacciones entre presentadores y jóvenes.
- Entrenará a los empleados en comportamiento apropiado y la prevención del abuso sexual.
Código de conducta por mantener a niños seguros
Los empleados de la biblioteca están comprometidos con la protección de los jóvenes. Modelamos una conducta apropiada en todo momento.
- Los empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca no estarán solos con un niño o un adolescente en ningún momento.
- Los empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca mostrarán límites apropiados en la afección física con niños y adolescentes. Las expresiones de afecto no deben ser largos ni impropios. Chocar las manos, chocar los puños, y abrazarse brevemente es apropiado en general, pero el niño o adolescente debe iniciar el contacto.
- Los empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca se comunicarán de una manera apropiada con los jóvenes – ni se permite el acoso ni la comunicación sexualmente provocativa. Alguna comunicación que ocurre fuera de la biblioteca entre los empleados de la biblioteca y los jóvenes ocurrirá con el conocimiento y consentimiento de los padres o guardianes, y del Gerente de la Biblioteca. Esta comunicación no debe ser privada, sino grupal, o compartida con los padres o guardianes o el Gerente de la biblioteca.
- Los empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca no son reporteros obligados. Pero, cualquier divulgación de un joven sobre daño a otros o a si mismo, incluyendo pensamientos del suicidio, homicidio o abuso, autolesiones, abuso infantil, violencia doméstica, acoso, o abuso de sustancias debe ser reportado al Gerente de la Biblioteca.
- Si un niño o adolescente divulga alguna información sobre su orientación sexual o su identidad de género que no quiere hacer pública – empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca no divulgarán esta información sin permiso. Empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca predicarán con el ejemplo de apoyo y tolerancia.
- Los empleados y voluntarios de la biblioteca toman la responsabilidad de mantener límites apropiados con los jóvenes – y de asegurar que sus colegas mantengan estos límites también.
Ayude a su niño a llegar a ser un lector por vida
Como padre, lo más importante que usted puede hacer para ayudar a su niño aprender a leer y crecer como lector es leerle en voz alta. No necesita productos caros que prometen éxito instantáneo en lectura y entregan pocos resultados. Niños de cualquier edad mejoran cuando sus padres se sientan con ellos y les leen en voz alta un libro, una revista, o incluso las historietas del periódico.
Sea un ejemplo para su niño. Los niños copian sus acciones más que las palabras. Deje que le vean a usted leer por placer. Enséñeles la importancia de aprender toda la vida, y que la biblioteca es un lugar fantástico para aprender. Haga que visitar la biblioteca es una excursión regular para usted y su niño.
Aprobado por el Comité de la Biblioteca
Study and Meeting Room Policy
Alamosa Public Library offers several study and meeting rooms for public use. These are:
- Small group study rooms – Two rooms which accommodate up to four people each.
- The Local History Room – Houses the Alamosa Public Library’s Local History and Genealogy collections, and can accommodate up to eight people. This room contains a section of the Library collection and access to this collection should be considered when making reservations.
- The Story Room – Used for Alamosa Public Library programs and available for public use by special request only. This room is a flexible space and capacity is dependent on room setup and age of participants.
The study and meeting rooms are to be used by groups or individuals for study, discussions, tutoring sessions, meetings and other similar activities for limited periods of time. In order to provide equal access to the study rooms and to protect the rooms, users are required to abide by the guidelines in this policy.
In accordance with Colorado Law SB24-216:
- The Alamosa Public Library makes its facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
- The Alamosa Public Library prohibits discrimination based on age, background, political or religious views, origin, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the use of its meeting spaces.
The study and meeting rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The user must register either at the Circulation/Reference Desk or by phone to use the room. The responsible person must provide a valid phone number. This person will be responsible for the condition of the room during its use.
Reservations for a room may be made up to two weeks in advance.
Reserved rooms will be held for 10 minutes only before being released for general use. When the room is vacated, the responsible person must check out with the librarian on duty at the Circulation/Reference Desk.
If there are no pre-existing reservations, a room may be used by anyone, provided they leave a phone number at the desk.
The Story Room is available at the discretion of the Children’s Librarian and the Library Manager for special events and groups, and is used primarily for Library programs. Patron ability to reserve this room is not guaranteed.
Availability and Time Limits
To facilitate use of the rooms during busy times, there is a two-hour limit for each group when others are waiting. Use of the room for longer than two hours may be permitted at the discretion of library staff, if no one else is waiting to use the room.
All rooms are to be vacated 15 minutes prior to Library closing time regardless of when the patron began using the room.
General Rules:
- General Library rules and policies apply in the study rooms.
- Tables and chairs are available at each location. No other equipment is provided. The Internet can be accessed using the Library’s Wi-Fi network. Furniture may not be removed from nor added to the room without staff approval. Users may bring in their own equipment, within reason.
- Capacity is not to exceed the room’s stated limit without staff approval.
- Groups should remain in the room. Vacating the room for 10 minutes or more will be considered the end of the reservation.
- Personal belongings should not be left unattended in the room.
- The Library is not responsible for the loss of or damage to personal items.
- Nothing may be affixed to the walls, windows, ceiling, or doors without staff approval.
- Groups should keep the door closed to avoid disturbing other customers.
- Rooms are not soundproof so noise is to be kept to a minimum. Complaints reported by other patrons about excessive noise may result in suspension of further study room privileges.
- NO FOOD is allowed in the rooms without special staff permission and only drinks with secure covers are permitted.
- All trash is to be placed in a designated trash receptacle. Any spills or damages must be reported immediately to the staff at the Circulation/Reference Desk.
- Any kind of soliciting or harassment of Library Patrons or staff is not permitted.
- Misuse of a study room may result in denial of future use or suspension from the Library.
Approved by the Library Board
June 19, 2024
Public Use of Library Telephone Policy
Statement of Policy
The library telephone is maintained by the Alamosa Public Library for library business only. However, there are situations where staff members can assist the public in using the library telephone.
Need for Telephone Policy
The library needs a policy that staff can employ when dealing with requests by the public to use the telephone since there are no coin-operated telephones for public use. Given that there is only one phone at the Customer Service Desk, library staff must keep the telephone open as much as possible for conducting business and answering reference questions from the public.
Requirements and Guidelines
When patrons request to use the phone, they will provide staff members with a phone number, contact person, and a valid reason (as listed below). Only staff members will be allowed to complete the call and will only allow patrons to use the phone by exception based on their judgment.
Valid Reasons for allowing use of the library phone by the public includes:
- Any emergency situation, such as the need for medical attention or the need for an ambulance or police.
- Contacting parents or family members of patrons to inform them of injury or illness.
- Children calling to be picked up from the library or to inform parent/ guardian of the child’s location.
- Calling for transportation or checking in with monitoring officials.
- Any situation, which in the judgment of the staff, is best resolved by initiating a phone call.
The library telephone will not be used:
- For personal business of the patron, which includes but is not limited to
- a. Using the telephone to place an order for personal items
- b. Dialing 1-800/1-888 numbers or long distance phone calls to other businesses, friends, or relatives.
- c. Any calling that is personal in nature.
- d. Doing personal business with the library’s telephone.
Library staff will not be responsible for conveying messages to individuals who may be using or will be using the library.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
August 23, 2011
Theft or Mutilation of Library Property
Damage to Library Property
Any behavior which may damage Library equipment, collections, or facilities is strictly prohibited. Protection of Library materials as defined under Colorado Revised Statutes:
24-90-117. Theft or mutilation of library property. Any person who takes, without complying with the appropriate check-out procedures, or who willfully retains any property belonging to any publicly-supported library for thirty days after receiving notice in writing to return the same, given after the expiration of the time that by the rules of such institution such property may be kept, or who mutilates such property commits a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
Materials Not Returned
It is a violation of City Ordinance, as well as state statutes, for any person to willfully retain any library material. The Library will engage in a reasonable correspondence related to any materials not returned.
Chapter 11, Article VI, Offenses Relating to Property, Sec. 11-101. Library property.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or to assist in the removal from the library to the city, Alamosa Public Library, (“the Library”) any book or other item belonging to the Library, without first having the same checked out by an employee of the Library according to the rules and regulations of the Library.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to write or mark upon, injure, deface, tear, or destroy any book or other item belonging to the Library.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to return any book or other item belonging to the Library in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Library.
Any person who steals, or attempts to steal, or damages or destroys Library material or equipment shall be held liable for paying replacement and processing costs. Also, suspension of borrowing privileges will be implemented by the Library until the lost or damaged item is paid for.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
February 24, 2009
Volunteer Policy
I. Background
The Volunteer Program of the Alamosa Public Library creates opportunities for individuals to feel personal satisfaction while performing a valuable service for the community; serves as a method for area residents to become familiar with the Library; and supplements the works of paid Library staff.
II. Definition
A volunteer shall be considered as any individual, 16 years or older, who assists with work done at Alamosa Public Library, without wages, benefits, or compensation of any kind. The Library Director or Head Librarian has the discretion on a case by case basis to allow younger volunteers to work in the Library.
III. Statement of Purpose
The Alamosa Public Library shall use the services of volunteers to:
- Supplement the efforts of paid library staff in meeting demands for quality public service.
- Serve as a method for encouraging citizens to become familiar with their library and the services being offered.
- Staff or support fundraising activities sponsored by the Library.
The Library shall make use of the services of interested volunteers to supplement and not replace the work done by library staff.
IV. General Provisions
Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to create a contract between the volunteer and the Alamosa Public Library or City of Alamosa. Both the volunteer and Library have the right to terminate the volunteer’s association with the Library at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.
Neither the City of Alamosa nor the Library will provide any medical, health, accident, or worker’s compensation benefits for any volunteer. Volunteers will not be eligible to receive any worker’s compensation benefits for any injuries sustained while functioning as a volunteer.
Prior to engaging in any volunteer activity, each volunteer will be required to submit:
- Adult or Teen Volunteer Application Form
- Advisement, Acknowledgement and Waiver for Current City of Alamosa Employees/Volunteers/Coaches
Volunteers may be asked to work on projects that are supportive of staff efforts. Examples include: shelving books, returning books, processing new materials, storytelling, helping to prepare for programs, discarding materials, maintenance of periodicals, checking out or checking in materials, or public relations activities.
Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information which they may be exposed to while serving as a volunteer whether this information involves single members of staff, volunteers, patrons, or other persons, or involves the overall business of the Library. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in immediate termination of volunteer duties and or other corrective action.
Hours of volunteer service will be determined by the Library Director/Head Librarian in discussion with the volunteer. Volunteers are expected to arrive at the library in time to begin work as scheduled or call the Library if they will be absent. All volunteer work must be completed within normal Library hours. Exceptions may be made by the Library Director/Head Librarian.
Volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the Library and shall be guided by the same work, behavior, and dress code as employees. Each volunteer will be expected to meet the overall strength demand of the functions performed during a typical workday. The Library reserves the right to choose which volunteers have offered their services and to assign the tasks best suited for each of them.
Approved by Library Board of Trustees
May 26, 2009